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abortion rights

August 14, 2024

Emergency room abortions in the US: doctors’ objections trump patients’ lives

Payton Gannon It is now two years since the fall of Roe v. Wade. How has this affected healthcare for pregnant Americans? Payton Gannon and Danielle Pullan explain the most recent Supreme Court cases, and contextualise them within the broader global discussion on conscientious objection and religion in healthcare Read more
March 5, 2024

🌈 Women’s roles in anti-authoritarian resistance

Saskia Brechenmacher Saskia Brechenmacher, Erin Jones, and Özge Zihnioğlu write that gender is critical to understanding popular resistance against democratic erosion and autocratic hardening around the world Read more
February 26, 2024

🔮 Understanding the intersection of populism, gender and religion in Central American politics

Erica Guevara An intricate interplay between populism, gender dynamics, and religion is shaping the Central American political landscape. Erica Guevara, Ignacio Siles, and María Fernanda Salas take a closer look at recent election campaigns in the region, uncovering the role played by these intertwined factors Read more
December 5, 2023

Why Milei won’t succeed in repealing Argentina’s abortion policy

Camilla Reuterswärd Javier Milei’s electoral victory ushered in another right-wing populist win in Latin America. The new president threatens to undo a major achievement for women’s rights —Argentina’s abortion legalisation. Yet Milei might not succeed. Camilla Reuterswärd and Cora Fernandez Anderson explain why the radical populist will lose the battle over abortion Read more
October 26, 2023

Polish parliamentary elections are a win for civil society but change will take some time

Akudo McGee The results of the Polish parliamentary elections suggest that a coalition of the opposition will lead the next government. This is good news for civil society, which faced constant threats under the current Law and Justice (PiS) party. However, Akudo McGee warns that challenges still lie ahead for civil society Read more
March 9, 2023

🌊 Giorgia Meloni’s ambiguity on gender rights

Laura Montecchio 'I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother'. So said Giorgia Meloni in a speech that has defined her career. Yet, write Laura Montecchio and Marianna Griffini, Meloni is far from a promoter of gender rights Read more
March 8, 2023

🌈 Democratic resilience and gender equality

Cristina Chiva Reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ rights are increasingly under attack across the world. So far, we have a good grasp of the causes and consequences of the backlash against gender equality. What we need to do now, argues Cristina Chiva, is to conceptualise and document democratic resilience against these trends Read more
March 7, 2023

🌈 🌊 Rights for women and gender equality under Giorgia Meloni

Alessia Donà After the Fratelli d’Italia victory in the 2022 Italian general election, a radical-right government formed, headed by party leader Giorgia Meloni. Alessia Donà explores gender issues in FdI ideology, and the party’s alliance with the Italian anti-gender movement. She finds the Meloni government is founded on reactionary Catholic extremism Read more

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