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March 20, 2024

🌊 Buying women's votes through welfare in Turkey

Bengisu Savran
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's authoritarian AKP has governed Turkey for more than twenty years. The regime has consistently rolled back gender rights. Despite this, many women continue to vote for it. Why? Bengisu Savran suggests clientelism and welfare benefits may provide the answer
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March 19, 2024

🔮 It’s time for a ‘material turn’ in populism studies

Vladimir Bortun
Researchers have made significant advances over the past decade in making sense of right-wing populism. However, as this party family continues to win elections, scholars need to pay more attention to the class forces and material interests it represents, writes Vladimir Bortun
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March 15, 2024

🔮 It’s not populism. It’s something worse

Dan Paget
Some ideologies look like populisms, but aren’t, writes Dan Paget. Instead, like populisms, these distinctive authoritarian ideologies envisage struggles of 'the people' against 'the corrupt'. Yet unlike them, they envisage 'the leaders' not as embodiments of the people’s will but as guardians of their interests. He calls this 'elitist plebeianism'
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March 14, 2024

The third year of the Ukraine war and its possible end

Albrecht Rothacher
Drawing parallels with the end of the First World War, Albrecht Rothacher looks at the prospects for an end to war in Ukraine. He starts with the worst-case scenario and then considers four further ways in which hostilities might end
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March 14, 2024

Domestic fossil fuel reserves help determine right-wing populist positions on green policies

Mehmet Haşim Çevik
Right-wing populist parties have divergent positions on policies that seek to combat climate change. Key to understanding why, writes Mehmet Haşim Çevik, is whether the country relies on domestic fossil fuels
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March 13, 2024

🔮Can populists be free-traders?

Alexander Dannerhäll
Radical-right parties are widely regarded as EU-sceptic and opponents of liberal immigration policies. But does this necessarily extend to free trade? Alexander Dannerhäll studies the trade policies of the right-wing Sweden Democrats. He argues that the answer may be both yes and no, depending on how we define protectionism, and which analytical perspective we adopt
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March 12, 2024

The Law of Delors

Jaap Hoeksma
Jaap Hoeksma argues that Jacques Delors’ 1985 non-vision of the European Union as an 'Unidentified Political Object' has actually come to pass – with a little help from the European Court of Justice
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March 6, 2024

♀️ Women leaders in a world of crisis: five things to know

Tiffany D. Barnes
Contemporary politics seems besieged by crises, from pandemics to wars to economic austerity. What does crisis mean for women leaders, who remain underrepresented as chief executives and legislators across the globe? Building on their research, Tiffany D. Barnes, Diana Z. O’Brien and Jennifer M. Piscopo identify five ways to ‘think crisis, think gender’
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March 5, 2024

🌈 Women’s roles in anti-authoritarian resistance

Saskia Brechenmacher
Saskia Brechenmacher, Erin Jones, and Özge Zihnioğlu write that gender is critical to understanding popular resistance against democratic erosion and autocratic hardening around the world
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March 4, 2024

🌈 The insidious link between autocratisation and gender-based violence

Andrea Krizsán
Women and sexual minorities are facing unprecedented levels of targeted political violence. Andrea Krizsan and Conny Roggeband argue that gender-based violence has become a tool for right-wing populist parties and governments to promote and sustain an exclusionary ideal of the nation and the ‘people’ as white, patriarchal, and heteronormative
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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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