We've found 411 articles matching your search phrase.
September 3, 2024

🔮 Donald Trump and Giorgia Meloni: the power of populist exclusionary rhetoric 

Jacob Wentz
Jacob Wentz analyses populist rhetoric and communication strategies in the election campaigns of Donald Trump and Giorgia Meloni. Both leaders adopt similar approaches, criticising traditional media, personalising politics, and using language that marginalises immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community. We should not, he argues, underestimate the power of their rhetoric Election campaigns are often seen as three-player […]
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August 23, 2024

Nothing ventured, nothing gained: foreign policy towards non-state justice 

Geoffrey Swenson
Promoters of the rule of law stress the importance of non-state justice for security, stability, and access to justice in the Global South. But as Geoffrey Swenson highlights, actual foreign policy tells a different story. Risk aversion – rather than results – drives foreign policy. Successful rule of law promotion ultimately demands greater risk
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August 22, 2024

What caused the riots in Britain?

Paul Whiteley
In recent weeks, Britain has experienced serious riots following the tragic murders of three young girls in Southport, Merseyside. Media reports pinned the blame on right-wing, racist thugs, but this, writes Paul Whiteley, is an oversimplistic analysis. The most important underlying cause is poverty and deprivation in the communities affected.
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August 19, 2024

The Turkification of Kurdistan: the world looks on 

Loqman Radpey
The past decade has seen relentless Turkish expansion into Kurdistan. This encroachment has disturbing echoes of Turkey's 1974 invasion of Northern Cyprus – a violation largely ignored by the rest of the world. Loqman Radpey warns that the international community must not abandon the Kurds in their fight against Turkish humanitarian violations
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August 14, 2024

Emergency room abortions in the US: doctors’ objections trump patients’ lives

Payton Gannon
It is now two years since the fall of Roe v. Wade. How has this affected healthcare for pregnant Americans? Payton Gannon and Danielle Pullan explain the most recent Supreme Court cases, and contextualise them within the broader global discussion on conscientious objection and religion in healthcare
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August 12, 2024

How repressive state power can tackle far-right violence

Baris Cayli Messina
Far-right violence in the UK threatens democracy. Baris Cayli Messina argues for repressive state power to counter this threat. Recognising that democracy is fragile, he calls for action against organisations and people that fuel extremism. Cooperation between state institutions and non-state actors is essential to combat fascist violence and ensure peaceful coexistence
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August 8, 2024

What do Italians think of the dangers of authoritarianism under Meloni? 

Antonio Campati
Antonio Campati, Martino Mazzoleni, and Andrea Scavo find, based on survey evidence, that Italians do not perceive an authoritarian risk in the far-right government led by Giorgia Meloni. However, they also discover a generational difference in attitudes towards democracy that may constitute concern for the future
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August 7, 2024

🔮 The rising tide of populism in Canada since the Freedom Convoy

Jamie Gillies
Populist impulses are having a growing impact on the political landscape of several Western-style democracies. Jamie Gillies, Vincent Raynauld and Angela Wisniewski unpack the effects of populism in Canada, arguing that populist strategies grew as public faith in government messaging eroded during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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August 6, 2024

Queer citizenship in India in times of autocratic legalism

Ankita Mukherjee
Right-wing ideology is on the rise in Indian politics. Contemporary citizenship projects such as the National Register of Citizens and the abrogation of Article 370 are increasingly using the law to implement unconstitutional changes. Ankita Mukherjee argues that individuals with intersecting minority identities have become prime targets of these projects
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August 1, 2024

The delicate diplomacy between the US and China over Taiwan

Aagya Gupta
Three Communiqués, born from Nixon's 1972 historic visit to China, continue to shape Sino-American relations and influence Taiwan's status. Aagya Gupta explains how diplomatic powerplays and agreements have sustained their relevance and shapes modern geopolitics
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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Advancing Political Science
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