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April 10, 2024

🔮 The emotional core of left- and right-wing populism

Donatella Bonansinga
Is populism ‘emotional’ and mainstream politics ‘rational’? Donatella Bonansinga argues that the divide between rationality and emotionality is rooted in cultural misperceptions, and all politics can be ‘emotional’. Populism is peculiarly emotional, because it taps in to very specific affective states, with key differences between left and right
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April 8, 2024

🌊 How illiberalism threatens the urban freedoms of women and marginalised groups

Cătălina Frâncu
In recent decades, real progress has been made to inclusivity in urban policies and in access to urban spaces. Cătălina Frâncu warns these gains are now under threat. Here, she explores the impact of illiberalism on the exclusion of women and marginalised groups from urban public spaces
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April 3, 2024

Portugal’s political crisis and the rise of radical-right Chega

Diogo Vieira Ferreira
The radical-right Chega party enjoyed a sharp rise in support during Portugal's recent parliamentary elections. With European elections coming up in June, Diogo Vieira Ferreira warns that support for Chega is likely to grow yet further
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April 2, 2024

🌊 How Hungary’s so-called child protection referendum was invalidated through a grassroots campaign

Dóra Oprics
Dóra Oprics explores the 2X civil society campaign in Hungary in 2022, which resulted in 1.7 million Hungarians successfully invalidating an exclusionary child protection referendum. The outcome reveals insights into the mobilising powers of grassroots activism against attempts to demonise the LGBTQIA+ community
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March 26, 2024

🔮 Marching to the populist drum? The military's role in populist governance

Hakkı Taş
Recent data indicates that countries led by more populist leaders are less likely to have a military with veto power.  Hakkı Taş explores the populist centralisation of power that fosters control over the military, and the impact on civilian oversight
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March 22, 2024

🔮 Welfare chauvinism and populism. Is it the economy (stupid)?

David Andreas Bell
A rising number of people believe that when it comes to welfare benefits, a country's native population should have priority access. David Andreas Bell argues that it is people’s perceptions of the economic stability of their country, rather than the reality, which explains such welfare-chauvinistic attitudes – and populist rhetoric plays a big part
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March 21, 2024

🦋 What identity does democracy need? The necessity and danger of political polarisation

Simon Bein
Simon Bein postulates a new perspective on the multiplicity of understandings of democracy and political identities in democratic societies. He argues that democracies which recognise and balance competing political identities are less polarised
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March 20, 2024

🌊 Buying women's votes through welfare in Turkey

Bengisu Savran
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's authoritarian AKP has governed Turkey for more than twenty years. The regime has consistently rolled back gender rights. Despite this, many women continue to vote for it. Why? Bengisu Savran suggests clientelism and welfare benefits may provide the answer
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March 19, 2024

🔮 It’s time for a ‘material turn’ in populism studies

Vladimir Bortun
Researchers have made significant advances over the past decade in making sense of right-wing populism. However, as this party family continues to win elections, scholars need to pay more attention to the class forces and material interests it represents, writes Vladimir Bortun
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March 15, 2024

🔮 It’s not populism. It’s something worse

Dan Paget
Some ideologies look like populisms, but aren’t, writes Dan Paget. Instead, like populisms, these distinctive authoritarian ideologies envisage struggles of 'the people' against 'the corrupt'. Yet unlike them, they envisage 'the leaders' not as embodiments of the people’s will but as guardians of their interests. He calls this 'elitist plebeianism'
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