We've found 88 articles matching your search phrase.
July 10, 2023

🔮 The myth of the irrational populist

Paul D. Kenny
Scholars and pundits – few of whom are populist supporters themselves – like nothing more than to point out the seeming foolishness of populism. However, Paul Kenny argues, there is also frequently a rational explanation behind their choices. Populist voters may be a lot of things, but they are not irrational
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July 4, 2023

🔮 How populist parties survive ‘mainstreaming’ once in power

Anca Turcu
Populists thrive on being perceived as outsiders. This creates an incentive for mainstream governing populist parties to portray themselves as challengers to the establishment. Anca Turcu examines the tactics Hungary’s and Turkey’s governing populists employ to survive mainstreaming
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June 28, 2023

🔮 Responding to populism with caution

Anthoula Malkopoulou
Anthoula Malkopoulou warns against conflating populism with authoritarianism and thus over-reacting and supporting repression. But treating populists as regular political opponents may lead to the opposite: under-reacting to the risks posed by some populist parties and individuals
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June 22, 2023

🔮 Going beyond the Eurocentrism of populism research: lessons from the Philippines

Adele Webb
Is the concept of populism a help or a hindrance in understanding complex political dynamics in the Global South? Adele Webb draws on the case of the Philippines to challenge Eurocentric and historically truncated views of populism. Here, she calls for more contextualised readings of populism’s manifestations outside the West
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June 19, 2023

🔮 Populist radical right voters do not have a monopoly on nostalgia!

Luca Versteegen
Luca Versteegen argues that specific emotions like nostalgia are not limited to populist radical right voters. We should therefore be more careful in ascribing emotions to this group, differentiating emotions and refraining from broad ascriptions like the so-called ‘left behind’
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June 15, 2023

🔮 What populism… is not!

Davide Vittori
Populist parties have gained significant electoral successes in recent years. But Davide Vittori shows that populism is not everywhere, even in public opinion. We are in danger of simplifying what populism is, and assuming that all anti-establishment phenomena are 'populist', when they are not
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June 13, 2023

🔮 The myth of the typical far-right populist voter

Daphne Halikiopoulou
Daphne Halikiopoulou and Sofia Vasilopoulou highlight the multifaceted nature of the far-right populist appeal to voters with different preferences and incentives. The far right struggles to expand its appeal to those who evaluate the democratic process positively, but its rhetoric intensifies support among some segments of its core electorate
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June 8, 2023

🔮 Not everyone can be a populist: the ideological boundaries of populism

Stijn van Kessel
Mattia Zulianello and Petra Guasti are right to point out that populism is too often conflated with nativist politics or seen as a feature of radical left and right-wing parties only. Nonetheless, Stijn van Kessel argues that populism is not equally compatible with any host ideology
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June 1, 2023

🔮 Populism: going beyond the myth of the charismatic leader

Sabine Volk
Too much populism research focuses on populist leaders, argues Sabine Volk. Yet looking through the lens of collective action offers valuable insights into how we might define populism. It also provides fresh understandings of what populism does, and how it works
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May 30, 2023

🔮 Populism is not just something that populists ‘are’ – it can also be performed and communicated

Michael Hameleers
When facts are disputed and experts delegitimised, the term 'populism' may apply to truths and to untruths. Michael Hameleers argues that populist ideas are often strategically communicated to emphasise a divide between congruent truths and incongruent lies. This only serves to emphasise the idea of a divide between ordinary people and corrupt political elites
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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