We've found 412 articles matching your search phrase.
October 27, 2022

Boom to bust: where next for Matteo Salvini’s League?

Arianna Giovannini
A right-wing coalition won the Italian general election in September, but not all the parties within it fared well. After a boom in votes in 2018–19, support for Salvini’s League has collapsed. This, argue Arianna Giovannini and Davide Vampa, is the price for selling the party’s soul
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October 25, 2022

Interdisciplinary social science and the limits of quantitative research

Avery Reyna
Social scientists are increasingly using quantitative interdisciplinary research methods in the hope of obtaining more nuanced, concrete findings. However, Avery Reyna argues that without proper foresight, relying on these approaches to describe interactions between people, countries, and more complex sociopolitical systems may be harmful to the field overall
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October 24, 2022

🌊 Is Italian democracy at risk?

Guido Panzano
The likely installation of a neo-fascist Prime Minister has generated considerable fears for the future of Italian democracy. Guido Panzano argues that we should use the tools available in political science to arrive at a more scientific understanding of the prospects for the quality of Italian democracy under such a government
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October 21, 2022

Bulgaria's fourth general election in 18 months promises no end to stalemate

Dragomir Stoyanov
The snap Bulgarian general election of 2 October has failed to resolve the ongoing political stalemate in the country caused by polarisation between two opposing political camps. Dragomir Stoyanov writes that the new government will be characterised by instability, with the prospect of further snap elections next year
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October 20, 2022

Brazil’s presidential election: How far does the populist glow reach?

Franziska FN Schreiber
Despite harsh criticism of his government performance, Bolsonaro managed to attract significant public support in the recent election, writes Franziska F. N. Schreiber. The populist incumbent promoted voters’ trust by responding to their anxieties and uncertainties, and perpetuating myths
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October 19, 2022

Can the Turkish opposition pact to defeat Erdoğan succeed?

Massimo D'Angelo
Next June, in Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will seek election as President of the Republic for the third time. Massimo D’Angelo explains the opposition parties' joint strategy to defeat Erdoğan, including a pact to overhaul institutions and restore the rule of law
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October 17, 2022

🌊 Sweden Democrats: another win for right-wing populism and illiberalism in Europe?

Orlaith Rice
Frustration with integration policy and fear of crime, two issues which Swedish political rhetoric and public opinion increasingly conflates, fuels the Sweden Democrats’ onward journey into mainstream politics. Orlaith Rice considers where SD sits under labels of populism and illiberalism
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October 14, 2022

📐 Reintegration into China would cost Taiwan its empowerment rights

Stephen Bagwell
The case of Hong Kong shows that Chinese Communist Party dominance has a negative impact on empowerment rights. For Taiwan, though, it could end up much worse. Stephen Bagwell and Meridith LaVelle explore the potential outcomes of this scenario, using evidence from Hong Kong and data from the Human Rights Measurement Initiative
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October 12, 2022

🌊 Resisting autocratisation

Luca Manucci
We have, in the intellectual world, spent much time trying to understand populism, fascism, illiberalism and the processes of autocratisation. Now, argues Luca Manucci, it is time to debate and establish the best strategies to fight against these tendencies and establish democratic resilience
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October 7, 2022

Nord Stream sabotage: the dangers of ignoring subsea politics

Christian Bueger
What happens on the bottom of the world’s oceans is usually little noted, and the age of U-boats and traditional submarine warfare seems distant history. The underwater sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea forces us to reconsider, say Christian Bueger and Tobias Liebetrau
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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