Firuze Simay Sezgin
In a world where ideological divides typically shape alliances, an unlikely partnership emerges between leftists and conservative Islamists, united in their opposition to war. This unexpected collaboration challenges conventional perceptions, writes Firuze Simay Sezgin, raising questions about the potential for dialogue and peace between seemingly irreconcilable worldviews. Read more
Loqman Radpey
The past decade has seen relentless Turkish expansion into Kurdistan. This encroachment has disturbing echoes of Turkey's 1974 invasion of Northern Cyprus – a violation largely ignored by the rest of the world. Loqman Radpey warns that the international community must not abandon the Kurds in their fight against Turkish humanitarian violations Read more
Liron Lavi
Liron Lavi and Clareta Treger argue that citizens hold a multi-dimensional perception of political representation. Using Israel as a case study, they find that citizens feel represented on dimensions that are not important to them, and also on dimensions that reflect their satisfaction with democracy Read more
Markus Holdo
Edward Said reminded us that the history of higher education belongs to everyone and that its future depends on the imagination of teachers and students. Markus Holdo asks whether we can seize this critical moment and explore what it means to practice the utopian ideal of a free university Read more
Lakshmy Ramakrishnan
Earlier this year, construction workers from India began arriving in Israel to mitigate the country's labour shortage. The number of Indian migrant workers in Israel now looks set to reach 6,000. While this does help reduce India's unemployment rate, Lakshmy Ramakrishnan argues we should also see it as an exercise in soft power by the Modi government Read more
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