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Radical right-wing politics

November 15, 2023

🔮 Climate protection as a challenge for the populist radical right

Jakob Schwörer The world is gripped by the urgent reality of global warming and climate protest. Amid the crisis, populist radical-right parties are being forced to integrate the issue within their own ideological, programmatic and strategical framework. This pursuit gives rise to variations in approaches within the party family, write Jakob Schwörer and Belén Fernández-García Read more
November 10, 2023

Two sides of the same 'West': the radical right wing in Australia and Portugal

David Pimenta Australia and Portugal are separated by thousands of kilometres and many different economic, social, political and historical factors. However, writes David Pimenta, both countries share the ethnic identitarian radical right-wing politics of 'the West' Read more
November 2, 2023

🔮 Populist radical-right parties are threatening international cooperation

Motoshi Suzuki Populist radical-right (PRR) parties use rhetorical and coalitional strategies to proclaim and advance issue ownership over immigration. In government coalitions, they act strategically to upgrade their ownership and weaken constitutional arrangements. If successful, argues Motoshi Suzuki, these parties threaten liberal democracy and international cooperation Read more
October 20, 2023

🔮 South Africa’s populist EFF stirs up parliamentary affairs

Ainara Mancebo Recent electoral success for the Economic Freedom Fighters means the global rise of populism has firmly reached South Africa. But Ainara Mancebo cautions that most of EFF's parliamentary efforts are aimed merely at criticising the ruling party, and exposing its failures. EFF pledges to transform the South African economy, she says, ring hollow Read more
September 29, 2023

Right-wing violence and the persistence of far-right popularity

Miku Matsunaga Miku Matsunaga and Werner Krause reveal how voters who support radical-right parties are sticking by them, despite the current upsurge in right-wing violence. Their findings raise crucial concerns about the broader ramifications of growing far-right movements across the globe Read more
September 4, 2023

Right-wing populism reaches Argentina

Demian Iglesias Seifert Javier Milei's victory in the primary elections is a sign that Argentina, previously a bastion of left-wing populism, is joining the global trend of right-wing populism. Argentina, writes Demian Iglesias Seifert, is now following the patterns we see in Brazil and El Salvador. Strong support from young men catapulted the La Libertad Avanza leader to first place in the primaries Read more
August 21, 2023

🔮 Tired Argentinian politics give victory to far-right libertarian Milei

Massimo D'Angelo On 13 August 2023, Argentinians took part in primary elections to choose candidates for positions including the presidency. But the established candidates have dropped out of the race. Massimo D’Angelo examines the key results of this election, most notable for the victory of far-right libertarian economist Javier Milei Read more
August 9, 2023

The EU is withholding all structural funds from Hungary – but Orbán doesn’t want to talk about it

Kinga Korányi Viktor Orbán’s annual ‘keynote’ speeches at Băile Tușnad are always controversial. Kinga Korányi argues that this year’s speech, in contrast with all those going back to 2010, should outrage observers less for what he said than for what he omitted: the EU’s withholding of all structural funding to Hungary Read more

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