Collins Molua Ikome
Collins Molua Ikome writes that the political and electoral landscape in Cameroon makes it impossible to defeat the ruling CPDM party in an election. Paul Biya's regime is exploiting the Anglophone conflict to consolidate power. A potential military coup in Cameroon is, however, unlikely Read more
Hakkı Taş
Recent data indicates that countries led by more populist leaders are less likely to have a military with veto power.  Hakkı Taş explores the populist centralisation of power that fosters control over the military, and the impact on civilian oversight Read more
Andreas Dür
Andreas Dür and Robert A. Huber argue that (changes in) trade flows and regions’ economic structures matter for political outcomes. Regions’ trade competitiveness affects both legislators’ trade attitudes and incumbents’ re-election chances Read more
David Andreas Bell
A rising number of people believe that when it comes to welfare benefits, a country's native population should have priority access. David Andreas Bell argues that it is people’s perceptions of the economic stability of their country, rather than the reality, which explains such welfare-chauvinistic attitudes – and populist rhetoric plays a big part Read more
Simon Bein
Simon Bein postulates a new perspective on the multiplicity of understandings of democracy and political identities in democratic societies. He argues that democracies which recognise and balance competing political identities are less polarised Read more
Bengisu Savran
Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan's authoritarian AKP has governed Turkey for more than twenty years. The regime has consistently rolled back gender rights. Despite this, many women continue to vote for it. Why? Bengisu Savran suggests clientelism and welfare benefits may provide the answer Read more