Articles by Zarina Mukasheva

September 17, 2024

The EU’s democracy efforts in Central Asia lack impact

Zarina Mukasheva
The EU has a grand vision for democracy across the globe, and Central Asia is no exception. However, writes Zarina Mukasheva, the EU’s strategy to promote democracy in the region has so far failed to deliver.
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photograph of Zarina Mukasheva
Zarina Mukasheva
PhD Candidate, Department of International Relations, LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Zarina's research interests include comparative political issues concerning the EU and Central Asia.

Her publications explore the impact of EU regionalism and democracy promotion in Central Asian countries.

With Anuar Temirov, Dana Akhmedyanova, Ainur Nogayeva, and Haydar Efe, she is co-author of the 2023 PRX article Is EU democracy promotion aligned with local media perception in Central Asia? Findings from content analysis.

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