Articles by Thomas Poguntke

September 23, 2024

Elections in eastern Germany: the limits of exclusionism

Thomas Poguntke
Thomas Poguntke argues that the shock results of recent elections in two German Länder show how Germany's party system has lost its capacity to integrate radical challengers. As a result, coalition formation now increasingly requires alliances which do not work – and this feeds popular disaffection.
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photograph of Thomas Poguntke
Thomas Poguntke
Professor of Comparative Politics and Director of the Düsseldorf Party Research Institute (PRUF), Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Thomas has held chairs at the universities of Keele, Birmingham and Bochum.

He has been a Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence and at the Australian National University.

Thomas is the author and editor of numerous publications on political parties and comparative politics and is currently directing the Political Party Database Project together with Susan E. Scarrow, Paul D. Webb, and Emilie van Haute.

His latest book, edited with Wilhelm Hofmeister, deals with political parties and the crisis of democracy:


Political Parties & the Crisis of Democracy
Oxford University Press, 2024

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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