Articles by Titus Alexander

December 6, 2024

💊 Trump's re-election can help us make democracy work better

Titus Alexander
Trump may have scored a resounding win, but can he deliver the changes Americans voted for? Titus Alexander argues that the new political order challenges political science to help citizens make democracy work better.
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October 30, 2024

💊 The power of a good example: social models offer the best future for political science

Titus Alexander
Academic political science is a cottage industry compared with tendentious large-scale social experiments conducted by big businesses, governments and election strategists. Titus Alexander argues that political scientists need to recognise the power of institutions as social models and real-time experiments to help people solve problems and meet their needs better.
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March 13, 2023

💊 Can political science save democracy?

Titus Alexander
Most political science is like anatomy, analysing the body politic without healing it. Titus Alexander argues that we can learn from health sciences and create a manifesto, like that of The Lancet, to prioritise improving lives and launch a global mission to strengthen democracy
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photograph of Titus Alexander
Titus Alexander
Independent Scholar, Educator and Author

Titus’s current research focus is on institutions as social theory (‘Dynamic Social Theory’) and learning for democracy in higher education.

He teaches an L5 apprenticeship in Campaigning, Leadership and Management for leaders in the public sector and trade unions.

He has worked as Director of Education for non-profits, schools inspector, senior education officer in local government, Principal Lecturer in adult education and advisor to the EU Grundtvig adult education programme.

He founded Democracy Matters, a UK alliance for learning practical politics; Charter 99 for Global Democracy campaign, which influenced the Millennium Summit and led to the One World Trust’s Global Accountability Project, and co-founded the Parenting Education and Support Forum.

He created Uniting Humanity, a one-year EU trainer of trainers programme in global citizenship.

Who's Afraid of Political Education? The Challenge to Teach Civic Competence and Democratic Participation

Publications include Universities’ Role in Teaching Practical Politics in Who’s Afraid of Political Education?
Policy Press, 2023

Practical Politics: Lessons in Power and Democracy
2017, UCL IOE-Trentham

Campaigning is OK! a 2009 guide to building capacity for campaigning

Learning Power
Campaign for Learning, 2007

Family Learning: Foundation of Effective Education
Demos, 1997

Citizenship Schools: A Practical Guide to Education for Citizenship and Personal Development
Southgate, 2001

Unravelling Global Apartheid: An Overview of World Politics
Polity, 1996



The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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