Articles by Shaul Shenhav

September 19, 2024

The stories we tell: how national narratives drive radical-right support

Shaul Shenhav
How do national stories shape voting behaviour? Odelia Oshri, Eran Amsalem, and Shaul Shenhav reveal that voters who view their nation through an exclusionary lens are more likely to support populist radical-right parties, especially those marginalised in society. Their findings highlight the powerful role of national narratives in driving political polarisation.
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photograph of Shaul Shenhav
Shaul Shenhav
Professor, Department of Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Shaul is the incumbent of the Herbert Samuel Chair in Political Science.

His research interests include political narratives, political discourse, rhetoric, textual analysis and Israeli politics.


Analyzing Social Narratives Shaul Shenhav

Analyzing Social Narratives
Routledge, 2015

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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Advancing Political Science
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