Articles by Payton Gannon

August 14, 2024

Emergency room abortions in the US: doctors’ objections trump patients’ lives

Payton Gannon
It is now two years since the fall of Roe v. Wade. How has this affected healthcare for pregnant Americans? Payton Gannon and Danielle Pullan explain the most recent Supreme Court cases, and contextualise them within the broader global discussion on conscientious objection and religion in healthcare
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photograph of Payton Gannon
Payton Gannon
Juris Doctor candidate, Georgetown University Law Centre

Payton's research focuses on abortion law, policy, and implementation in the US and Europe.

Her work has been published in Medical Humanities and the Journal of Religion in Europe.

She has previously received the Fulbright Scholarship for independent research and was based at Bocconi University.


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