Articles by Natascha Zaun

November 29, 2023

🔮 When populist governments (un)make European Union policies

Natascha Zaun
The presence of populist governments in European Union policy-making has been largely ignored. Ariadna Ripoll Servent and Natascha Zaun argue that we should pay attention to populists’ behaviour in the Council of the EU. Populist governments do not play by the normal rules of the game; rather, they use ‘unpolitics’. This destructive approach to policy-making was instrumental in blocking a reform of EU migration politics
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photograph of Natascha Zaun
Natascha Zaun
Professor in Public Policy and Law, Leuphana University Lüneburg

Previously, Natascha was Associate Professor in Migration Studies at the LSE and a Junior Research Fellow at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.

She specialises in EU policymaking with a focus on migration and asylum policies.

Natascha's most recent research focuses on populism in EU politics, especially in the area of migration.

She tweets @natascha_zaun

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