Articles by Natália Noskovičová

May 3, 2024

🌊 Czech coat and Slovak cassock in illiberal movements

Natália Noskovičová
Two nations, one name, divergent paths: Natália Noskovičová delves into the illiberal mobilisations of the Czech and Slovak Alliances for Family and National Marches for Life. Here, she navigates the religious and secular strategies of anti-gender movements in the heart of Europe
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photograph of Natália Noskovičová
Natália Noskovičová
Master's Student in Political Science, Central European University, Vienna

Natalia is from Slovakia, where she completed a BA in European Studies.

She is currently in her second year of MA studies.

Natalia’s Master's thesis explores anti-gender mobilisations and their character in secular and religious societies in Central Europe.

She is also interested in the intersections of gender, race and cognitive disability.

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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