Articles by Mariana Carmo Duarte

June 14, 2024

Fresh evidence of how news media set the agenda on immigration

Mariana Carmo Duarte
The media is not a neutral actor in immigration debates. It shapes how much we think about immigration but not our positions towards it, write João Carvalho, Mariana Carmo Duarte and Didier Ruedin
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photograph of Mariana Carmo Duarte
Mariana Carmo Duarte
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon

Mariana received her PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute in September 2023.

Her research interests lie in the field of comparative politics, namely in public opinion, party competition, and political representation.

Mariana's work has been published in the European Journal of Political Research, Journal of Common Market Studies, and Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research.

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