Articles by Laura Luciani

February 13, 2023

📐 The EU needs to rethink its human rights promotion in the South Caucasus

Laura Luciani
As the liberal norms promoted by the EU are fiercely contested, human rights groups in the South Caucasus face an insecure environment. Some propose alternatives to human rights promotion that challenge both the EU’s development paradigms and competing authoritarian agendas. Laura Luciani argues that we should take them seriously
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photograph of Laura Luciani
Laura Luciani
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ghent University

Situated in the field of critical European studies, Laura’s research examines the EU's attempts to transform the countries and (civil) societies of its ‘neighbourhood’ through the spread of human rights and democracy norms.

Her geographical area of focus is the South Caucasus.

Laura's research interests revolve around the politics of human rights and democratisation, civil society, gender and sexuality in international relations, decolonial thinking and interpretive methodologies.

She tweets @lau_luciani

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