Articles by Kerstin Tomiak

July 11, 2024

Being part of international relations: academics moving abroad 

Kerstin Tomiak
The International University Campus is a site of relationality, write Ruairidh J Brown and Kerstin Tomiak. It a space of cultural and political interchange and creation of co-constituted knowledge. This challenges the traditional view in International Relations of Higher Education as a mere tool of soft power.
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photograph of Kerstin Tomiak
Kerstin Tomiak
Assistant Professor of International Studies, University of Nottingham, Ningbo

Kerstin was a postdoctoral fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and worked at the American University in Kurdistan (AUK) in the Kurdish region of Iraq.

Before her academic career, Kerstin worked as a journalist and media expert, including for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Resolute Support (RS) in Afghanistan, and for some nongovernmental organisations in South Sudan.

She is interested in intercultural exchanges and cooperation between so-called local and international staff in military and civilian interventions.

Her work has been published in Third World Quarterly, Millennium, and Development Policy Review.

Statebuilding Missions and Media Development: A Context-Sensitive Approach by Kerstin Tomiak

Statebuilding Missions and Media Development: A Context-Sensitive Approach
Routledge, 2021, in the Intervention and Statebuilding series

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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