Articles by Kalervo N. Gulson

July 30, 2024

🦋 A case for technical democracy

Kalervo N. Gulson
Democracy is a set of processes that create spaces for dissensus and radical equality. Greg Thompson and Kalervo N. Gulson argue that nowhere is the lack of democratic spaces more evident than in the field of technology and its impact on institutions and life
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photograph of Kalervo N. Gulson
Kalervo N. Gulson
Professor of Education Policy, University of Sydney

Kalervo's research is located across social, political and cultural geography, education policy studies, and science and technology studies.

His current research programme is interested in what happens 'After AI', and the role of policy and the future of educational institutions.

This work looks at how the human-machine interactions of artificial intelligence pose enormous challenges to the role of educational institutions.

He explores these issues with colleagues through the work of the Education Futures Studio.



Algorithms of Education: How Datafication and Artificial Intelligence Shape Policy

Algorithms of Education: How Datafication and Artificial Intelligence Shape Policy
co-authored with Sam Sellar & P. Taylor Webb
University of Minnesota Press, 2022

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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