Articles by João Miguel de Carvalho

June 14, 2024

Fresh evidence of how news media set the agenda on immigration

João Miguel de Carvalho
The media is not a neutral actor in immigration debates. It shapes how much we think about immigration but not our positions towards it, write João Carvalho, Mariana Carmo Duarte and Didier Ruedin
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photograph of João Miguel de Carvalho
João Miguel de Carvalho
Invited Principal Investigator, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

João’s research interests encompass the politics of international migration and the far right.

His research has been published in scientific journals including the Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics, Government and Opposition, Parliamentary Affairs, Citizenship Studies, and Comparative European Politics.

Impact of Extreme Right Parties on Immigration Policy: Comparing Britain, France and Italy

Impact of Extreme Right Parties on Immigration Policy: Comparing Britain, France and Italy
Routledge, 2014

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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Advancing Political Science
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