Articles by Henrik Skaug Sætra

July 23, 2024

💊 Opportunities and potential pitfalls of AI-supported democracy

Henrik Skaug Sætra
Democracy is facing serious challenges. Some are contemplating whether artificial intelligence (AI) could help revitalise it. AI is, after all, heralded as the solution to a broad range of social and political challenges. Henrik Skaug Sætra argues that AI does indeed offer some hope, but also serious potential pitfalls
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photograph of Henrik Skaug Sætra
Henrik Skaug Sætra
Associate Professor of Sustainable Digitalisation, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo

Henrik is a political scientist with a broad and interdisciplinary background and approach.

His interests lie mainly in the political, ethical, and social implications of technology.

Henrik focuses specifically on the sustainability-related impacts of AI, and he has published extensively on the relationship between technology and sustainable development, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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