Articles by Frederik Henriksen

July 8, 2024

🔮 Anti-systemic populism during the Covid-19 pandemic

Frederik Henriksen
Frederik Henriksen analyses anti-systemic, populist movements during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here, he explains how these movements rely on alternative news media to establish their own digital information bubbles, and shows how ideological partisanship evolved in these environments
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photograph of Frederik Henriksen
Frederik Henriksen
PhD Candidate, Roskilde University

Frederik studies the conditions and impact of anti-systemic movements and discursive formations in digital information environments using computational methods, e.g. automated text analysis and network analysis.

His research is situated at the intersection between political communication, sociology, computer science and media studies.

He has published in journals such as the International Journal of Press/Politics, Social Media + Society, and Javnost-The Public.


The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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