Articles by Firuze Simay Sezgin

September 4, 2024

Leftists and conservative Islamists: unlikely allies in the quest for peace in Gaza

Firuze Simay Sezgin
In a world where ideological divides typically shape alliances, an unlikely partnership emerges between leftists and conservative Islamists, united in their opposition to war. This unexpected collaboration challenges conventional perceptions, writes Firuze Simay Sezgin, raising questions about the potential for dialogue and peace between seemingly irreconcilable worldviews.
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photograph of Firuze Simay Sezgin
Firuze Simay Sezgin
Postdoctoral Researcher, International Relations, Bilkent University

Firuze holds a BA in Social and Political Sciences and an MA in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Sabancı University.

She received her PhD in International Relations and Political Science from Koç University in 2023.

Recently, Firuze was awarded the Doctoral Dissertation Incentive Award by the International Relations Council of Turkey and a TUBITAK fellowship to work at Uppsala University for one year.

Her work has appeared in leading journals such as International Peacekeeping, and her book with Scala Publications is forthcoming.

Firuze's research interests include international security, peace and conflict studies, and United Nations operations.

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