Articles by Ernesto Fiocchetto

August 30, 2023

Polarisation on the rise: European gender and migrant inclusion compared

Ernesto Fiocchetto
The inclusion of social minorities is contingent on civic activism and government policies that become more polarised as well as volatile in times of crises. Markus Thiel, Ernesto Fiocchetto and Jeffrey Maslanik delve into the state of inclusion policies throughout Europe
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photograph of Ernesto Fiocchetto
Ernesto Fiocchetto
PhD Candidate in International Relations, Florida International University

Ernesto is an Argentinean sociologist.

He holds a Master’s in Religious Studies and a Master’s in International Studies from Florida International University.

For the past four years, he has been a graduate assistant at FIU's Miami-Florida Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence.

Ernesto's research interests revolve around the multiple intersections of gender and sexuality, religion, and international politics in forced migration contexts, particularly focusing on the European Union and the Americas.

For his dissertation project, he studies the agency of Faith Actors, including faith-based organisations, religious communities, and religious leaders, in the reception and integration of LGBTIQ+ Latin Americans claiming asylum in Spain and the US.

The Politics of Social In/Exclusion in the EU: Civic Europe in an Age of Uncertainty
Markus Thiel , Ernesto Fiocchetto , Jeffrey D. Maslanik

The Politics of Social In/Exclusion: Civic Europe in an Age of Uncertainty
Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, 2023

On Social and Legal Experiences at the Intersections of Human Mobility and SOGIESC
Journal of Refugee Studies

He tweets @fio_ernesto

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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