Articles by Elisa Bellè

July 29, 2024

🔮 Small homelands: populist radical right, territories and localism

Elisa Bellè
The study of the populist radical right has recently turned to localism. Elisa Bellè argues that this is related to the distinctly territorial nature of some of its recent successes.
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photograph of Elisa Bellè
Elisa Bellè
Marie Curie Fellow, Sciences Po Paris

Elisa holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento.

She recently concluded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, hosted by the Centre for European and Comparative Studies, Sciences Po Paris.

The ERRANT project (Ethnography of Radical Right Across Nations and Territories) involved a comparative ethnography of two medium-sized cities governed by the Italian Lega and the French Rassemblement National.

Elisa has also worked on progressive social movements, in particular feminist and LGBTQI+.

With Félicien Faury, she recently published, in Government & Opposition, an ethnographic analysis of the French Rassemblement National in local government: Going Local, Going Mainstream? Ethnographic Study of Two French Cities Governed by the Rassemblement National.


The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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