Articles by Didier Ruedin

June 14, 2024

Fresh evidence of how news media set the agenda on immigration

Didier Ruedin
The media is not a neutral actor in immigration debates. It shapes how much we think about immigration but not our positions towards it, write João Carvalho, Mariana Carmo Duarte and Didier Ruedin
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September 8, 2022

How one sporting gesture helped curb ethnic discrimination

Didier Ruedin
Back in 2018, Daniel Auer and Didier Ruedin were conducting a research experiment on prejudice in the Swiss housing market. That same summer, a footballer at the FIFA World Cup made a controversial gesture that got the nation talking. After he did so, our researchers observed a significant drop in ethnic discrimination. Were the two phenomena connected?
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April 14, 2021

Pandemic-era travel has been restricted worldwide, but not everyone has been affected equally

Didier Ruedin
International travel restrictions introduced during the pandemic constrained our freedom to travel. To understand how, we must look at the interaction between immigration status, citizenship, employment, and place of residence, write Lorenzo Piccoli, Jelena Dzankic, Timothy Jacob-Owens and Didier Ruedin
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photograph of Didier Ruedin
Didier Ruedin
Senior Researcher, University of Neuchâtel / Research Associate, University of the Witwatersrand

Didier uses experiments and quantitative analysis to study social inequalities and reactions to them, especially in the field of immigration and ethnic minority groups.

His research examines social inequalities through ethnic discrimination, politicisation, public policies, and attitudes.

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Follow him on Twitter @DidierRuedin

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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