Articles by Claudia Wiehler

May 14, 2024

Why communal conflict should be viewed as a wartime phenomenon

Claudia Wiehler
Violent local conflicts over land and resources are taking place almost exclusively in civil war-affected societies. Claudia Wiehler and Sebastian van Baalen argue that analysts and peacebuilding practitioners therefore need to involve civil war parties in communal conflict management and resolution — and view them as potential conflict management parties.
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photograph of Claudia Wiehler
Claudia Wiehler
PhD Candidate, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zürich

Claudia's thesis investigates the nexus between civil war and communal violence, focusing on the Nigerian case.

She is a practice-oriented researcher with field experience in South Asia, West Africa, and Latin America.

Her research interests include informal armed groups, ceasefires, and social network analysis, and her work has been published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution and the Journal of International Peacekeeping, among others.


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