Articles by Corinna Kröber

March 12, 2025

🌈 How a new electoral reform has pushed women out of the Bundestag

Corinna Kröber
The new German Bundestag will be smaller and more right-wing wing. And it will be more male-dominated. Corinna Kröber and Lena Stephan discuss how the political shift to the right and the new electoral law have influenced this trend, and the potential long-term consequences for women’s political representation in Germany
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photograph of Corinna Kröber
Corinna Kröber
Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Greifswald

Corinna previously held positions at Leuphana University and the University of Salzburg.

Her research interests include women as political actors, parliaments and governments, and the intersection of these topics.

Corinna's work has been published in Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, Politics & Gender, and Representation, among other journals.


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