Balázs Böcskei and Eszter Farkas analyse the influence of partisan alignment on public health issues related to coronavirus. Their findings suggest that even in such a highly polarised country as Hungary, the significance of the pandemic over time is suppressing the influence of party alignment on Covid-related issues
Researcher, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence / PhD candidate, Institute of Political Sciences, ELTE Faculty of Law
Balázs is an initiator of the Hungarian research project 'Covid-cohorts? Identifying the generations using Big Data in the post-pandemic period'.
His research interests include populism, data policy, and voter behaviour.
He contributed the chapter 'Governing populism – the Discursive Populism of Fidesz' to Aufstand der Außenseiter Die Herausforderung der europäischen Politik durch den neuen Populismus, Nomos, 2021 edited by Frank Decker, Bernd Henningsen, Marcel Lewandowsky & Philipp Adorf.