Articles by Aagya Gupta

August 1, 2024

The delicate diplomacy between the US and China over Taiwan

Aagya Gupta
Three Communiqués, born from Nixon's 1972 historic visit to China, continue to shape Sino-American relations and influence Taiwan's status. Aagya Gupta explains how diplomatic powerplays and agreements have sustained their relevance and shapes modern geopolitics
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photograph of Aagya Gupta
Aagya Gupta
Master's Student in International Conflict Studies, King's College London

Aagya has four years' experience in project and resource management, policy analysis, and international partnerships.

She is interested in global governance, East Asian security, issues related to the US, China, Africa and the Middle East, public policy, socio-economic editorials and geopolitics of recent times.

In May 2024, Aagya  published an article in the IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science on the 2017 Gambian Crisis and the role of UN and ECOWAS.

Her dissertation deals with China's rising influence in the 21st century global order.

Aagya aspires to write editorials and op-eds related to conflicts, geopolitics and international affairs.

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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