Articles by Adrian Favero

September 2, 2024

Political parties in the transnational arena: reaching out to citizens abroad

Adrian Favero
How much do national political parties in Europe try to reach citizens who live abroad? Traditionally, party organisations operated within state borders but the increasing mobility of national citizens requires new forms of interconnectedness. A transnational arena has emerged in which parties connect external citizens with domestic politics to secure votes, writes Adrian Favero
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July 13, 2023

🔮 Myth: All populist leaders are 'charismatic'

Adrian Favero
Adrian Favero explores the claim that populist leaders are generally charismatic and invaluable for the functioning of 'their' parties. 'Charismatic leadership', he says, is not well conceptualised, nor are leaders unreservedly seen as charismatic by their followers despite being helpful for populist parties’ success
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photograph of Adrian Favero
Adrian Favero
Assistant Professor in European Politics & Society, University of Groningen

Adrian gained his PhD in Politics from the University of Edinburgh in 2018.

He investigates how different social groups engage with the political realities within the European Union.

His research focuses on attitudes towards the EU, intra-EU migration in post-communist settings, and party organisations and right-wing populism within and across European states.

He is also interested in comparative research and mixed methods approaches.

Adrian's research has been published in, among others, the Journal of Contemporary European Studies, the Journal of Common Market Studies, European Political Science Review, and East European Politics.


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