Articles by Anja Durovic

October 10, 2024

Why governments want to learn about citizens’ preferences

Anja Durovic
Democratic governments conduct extensive public opinion research, but we know little about how they use it. When and why do they seek to find out what the public thinks? Opening the black box of government polling in Germany, Anja Durovic and Tinette Schnatterer find governments exploit polls in a highly strategic way.
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photograph of Anja Durovic
Anja Durovic
Postdoctoral Researcher, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) / Research Centre PRINTEMPS, Paris-Saclay University (UVSQ)

Anja’s research focuses mainly on political behaviour, gender and politics, and representation.

She is especially interested in gender and generational inequalities in political behaviour and opinions, as well as in the use of public opinion research by political elites.

Her research has been published in journals such as the European Journal of Political Research, West European Politics, French Politics, Revue française de science politique and publicised in media outlets including Le Monde, Libération, El Mundo and Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

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